DFW International Airport eCUP

Featured Project

DFW International Airport eCUP

DFWCGI has acted as the engineer of Record for the plumbing design of an energy recovery central utility plant for DFW International Airport. The project consists of the construction of a new 50,000 square foot satellite central utility plant to supplement the heating and cooling capacity of the existing central utility plant.

AT&T Discovery District

Featured Project

AT&T Discovery District

Transformation of AT&T’s downtown headquarters into an urban park, including several new restaurants and shopping venues, a food hall, as well as a media showcase for the Owner, including an immersive video experience in the lobby, a seven-story media wall, multiple locations for concert and live events, site mega fountain system, site stage facility, site mega canopy system, and decorative/interactive site facility and grounds modifications.

Cotton Bowl Renovations Phase I

Featured Project

Cotton Bowl Renovations Phase I

DFWCGI is proud to be partnering with Overland Partners to support this significant effort to ensure this beloved landmark in our community can have a truly exceptional fan experience deserving of such a remarkable venue.

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DFWCGI’s expertise has historically been supporting mission-critical clients with keeping their facilities operational. Although this remains the core of our expertise, DFWCGI has grown to provide engineering support for all types of projects from assessments and studies, to complete MEP design for the construction of new facilities of all sizes.